My Story

My name is Tanvi Deshmukh, and I am a high school student in the Bay Area. My love for dance has blossomed since I was four, and I wholeheartedly believe that like dance, any art form can help individuals experience a meaningful life.

I developed a severe hearing loss in both my ears at the age of four. I wear a hearing aid on one ear and a cochlear implant on the other, but I have never let these challenges obstruct my passions. 

I recently had the opportunity to learn more about MaiLele School in Nashik, India, which caters mainly to the hard of hearing students, many of whom come from underprivileged backgrounds. It was an eye-opening experience for me. I’ve always taken things like hearing and having plenty to eat for granted, but knowing more about these students made me realize how privileged I am. Some of them can’t even afford a proper meal every day, and for them, getting a hearing aid is like wishing for the impossible. It struck me how something that seems so basic to me is a distant dream for others, and how that dream stands between them and a proper education. And this is when I firmly decided, I need to do something to change the course for these students.

At DEEVA by Tanvi, my mission is twofold. First, I aim to educate others and raise awareness about disabilities to promote a culture of empathy and understanding. Second, I strive to empower and support disabled and underserved children, youths and provide them with essential resources and opportunities to express themselves through arts.  

Together, let’s build a more inclusive and compassionate world where the power of artistic expression and acts of kindness work hand in hand to uplift all individuals and build a stronger, more connected community.

DeevaByTanvi is accepting donations now.

Visit Hearing Aids Program for MaiLele to learn more about how your generous donations can impact the underserved students in Nashik, India who need hearing aids.